Spend Lent with Jesus’ Parables on Social Justice

Spend Lent with Jesus’ Parables on Social Justice

Father Sébastien NKOA, OP, is offering a free course on “The Financial Dimensions of the Parables of Jesus” starting Wednesday, March 19 at 9 AM Pacific Time and continuing each Wednesday for the following three weeks.
From The course description:
Our world today has reached a level of financialization that has completely removed humanity from everything that is related to the economy and finance. World economic monetary and financial institutions have developed programs that have found themselves to be completely inhumane. In Africa, South America, and Asia their various programs of restructuring have proved themselves to be catastrophic and completely disconnected from human local realities. Unfortunately, the sad reality of the failure of the Wall Street system is no longer a debate…

Poetry as Prayer

Poetry as Prayer

Judy Clarence, GMU librarian and a published poet, taught a Zoom class on Poetry as Prayer on Monday, September 9. Marita Grudzen coordinated this free class. View the video now.

Psychosynthesis Seminar

Psychosynthesis Seminar

Psychosynthesis is a holistic understanding of the human psyche, its makeup, functions, and processes.

Psychosynthesis was developed by Dr. Roberto Assagioli, from a scientific study encompassing Psychology, Philosophy, Religion, Education, and the Arts.

Creation Spirituality Courses

Creation Spirituality Courses

To help everyone afford this unique experience, Dr. Schneider is offering her two 8-week courses, Creation Spirituality TH580 and Eco-Art & Creation Spirituality TH581 to be taken in succession at the substantially reduced price of $150 each. That’s less than $20 per session! Total: $300 plus $25 application fee.