Notice of
Holiday closure:
December 23rd, 2024- January 2nd, 2025
Honoring the sacred within all!
Updated with a beautiful memory from Jean’s daughter, Carrie Dille. Students, faculty, and administration of GMU remember Jean and her leadership at GMU in this loving tribute led by her husband and co-director of the Center for Celebrant Training, Mike Conley.
Psychosynthesis is a holistic understanding of the human psyche, its makeup, functions, and processes.
Psychosynthesis was developed by Dr. Roberto Assagioli, from a scientific study encompassing Psychology, Philosophy, Religion, Education, and the Arts.
The Administration of GMU cordially invites all alumni, faculty, students, friends, and benefactors of the university to a virtual gala on Zoom celebrating GMU’s commitment to global inclusion and educational excellence.