GMU’s Chaplaincy Degree And Certificate Programs
“A love capable of transcending borders is the basis of what – in every city and country – can be called ‘social friendship.’ Genuine social friendship within a society makes true universal openness possible.” (cf. Fratelli Tutti, 99)
Become an Agent of Healing!
Share the gift of skillful presence, authentic companionship, and deep compassion to the places of need, hurt, loneliness, and discord.
Global Ministries University offers holistic, spiritually inclusive degrees, certificate programs cohorts, and individual courses in
Community Chaplaincy
Hospice Chaplaincy
Prison Chaplaincy.
For those desiring to bring both the corporal and spiritual works of mercy to those most often overlooked by society, GMU’s prison chaplaincy training prepares participants to address the spiritual, social, and emotional needs of those incarcerated. Global Ministries University offers Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) Units and interfaith spiritual care to enhance your ministerial vocation. The program can be tailored to your unique ministerial and educational needs and preferences.
GMU Scholarships Are Available:
A $10,000 grant has been received from the Callaghan-Pierog Family Foundation, Inc., to help support the GMU Prison Chaplaincy program. GMU graduate and Board Member, Thomas James, was instrumental in obtaining this funding.
Applicants to the program may be able to receive a needs-based scholarship based on the evaluation of the president of the university and the dean of the program. An email will be provided upon application.
Volunteer/Part Time Community Chaplaincy Opportunities
Nursing homes – there are approximately 15,600 nursing homes in the United States with 1.7 million bags and 1.4 million patients in 2019.
Federal prisons – there are 109 federal prisons, 1719 state prisons 1772 juvenile correction facilities, 3163 local jails and 80 Indian country jails as well as military prisons, immigration detention facilities, civil commitment centers, state psychiatric hospitals as of 2019.
Hospices – across the United States there are 5500 hospices reported in 2014
CCRCs – there are approximately 2000 continuing care retirement communities across the United States in 2018 approximately 80% are owned by not-for-profit organizations.
Fire departments there were 29,705 fire departments in the United States in 2018
Police Department there were 17,985 US police agencies in the United States which included city police departments County Sheriff’s offices state police/Highway Patrol
Businesses – an article in the Atlantic in 2016 talked about growing number of companies who are offering chaplaincy as an employee benefit
Sierra Club – there are 63 Sierra Club chapters in the USA
Senior Centers – as of several years ago there were 11,000 senior centers in the United States serving one million older adults each day 70% of senior center participants are women three quarters visit their center one to three times per week and spend an average of 3.3 hours per visit
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