
Father Sébastien NKOA, OP, is offering a Free course on “The Financial Dimensions of the Parables of Jesus” starting Wednesday, March 19 at 9 AM Pacific Time and continuing each Wednesday for the following three weeks.

From the course description:
Our world today has reached a level of financialization that has completely removed humanity from everything that is related to the economy and finance. World economic, monetary, and financial institutions have developed programs that have found themselves to be completely inhumane. In Africa, South America, and Asia, their various programs of restructuring have proven themselves to be catastrophic and completely disconnected from human local realities. Unfortunately, the sad reality of the failure of the world street system is no longer a debate.

The course is Free but you must register to receive the Zoom information.

Please include the title of the event or presentation for which you are registering.
Please consider making a donation to Global Ministries University to help defray production costs.
Thank you for your generosity.