Save the date!
February 6th-8th, 2025: FREE International Conference
Engage in the inspiring convergence of Science , technology, and sacred traditions…Attend the Parliament of the World’s Religions with GMU…Learn about Hans Kung and the “Global Ethic”…participate in Peace Studies and Prison Chaplaincy…evaluate online sources and more!
Learn about the upcoming “Walking Together in the LIght of Fratelli Tutti and Laudato Si’ international interfaith conference. Be inspired by the reports from President Grudzen, Provost Mary Ann Cejka, and Librarian Judy Clarence. Make 2023 the “Year of You!”
President Grudzen ‘s article about the life and mission of Father William McIntire, MM, his Maryknoll classmate, has been published in the fall 2022 issue of Interchange, the Maryknoll Alumni newsletter.